Basic Tools

Work Experience Calculator

The online work experience calculator is a free tool used to compare two dates. On the other side, you can also calculate Date of Joining(DOJ) and Last Working Date(LWD) easily. It is also known as a work exp calculator.

How to Calculate Work Experience?

These steps can help you understand how to calculate work experience according to the educational or job opportunity before you. Whether you are preparing your resume, applying for a job, or pursuing higher education, accurately calculating your work experience is crucial. Follow the steps below to determine the length of your employment accurately.

Step 01: Input

Enter the work experience details by specifying the two critical dates: Date of Joining (A) and Last Working Date (B). Ensure these dates are correct as they form the basis of your experience calculation.

Step 02: Format

Format the dates in either DD-MM-YYYY or MM-DD-YYYY. Consistent formatting is essential for accurate calculation. Double-check the dates to avoid any errors that might affect the final result.

Step 03: Subtract

Subtract the Date of Joining (A) from the Last Working Date (B) to calculate your total work experience, represented as (B - A = C). This calculation will give you the duration of your work experience in terms of years, months, and days.

Step 04: Consider Overlaps

If you have multiple jobs, ensure you consider any overlaps between them. Adjust your total work experience by accounting for concurrent employment periods, ensuring each day is only counted once.

Step 05: Verify

Double-check your calculations and verify the dates to ensure accuracy. Having a precise calculation of your work experience can significantly impact your job applications and educational pursuits, providing a clear picture of your professional background.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Step 1: Enter the work experience details of the two dates (i.e) Date of Joining - A and Last Working Date - B
  • Step 2: Dates are formatted in DD-MM-YYYY/MM-DD-YYYY.
  • Step 3: Subtract Date of Joining and Last Working Date, (i.e.) A-B = C
  • Step 4: Now you get C.
  • Step 5: Thus the work exp is found easily now.

Work experience is the difference between two dates. The formula for work experience calculation is

A - B = C

That means you minus the two dates.

  • Step 1: First, consider the Date of Joining (i.e) DOJ.
  • Step 2: Then, consider the Last Working Date (i.e) LWD.
  • Step 3: Calculate the difference between Date of Joining and Last Working Date.
  • Step 4: Minus the two dates.
  • Step 5: Hence, the difference is mathematically proved.

it is necessary for everyone to know has to calculate their work or job total or relevant experience as it is the must criteria for them when they want to change the current company and join new one. No need to calculate your work experience manually, let Mr Online Tools do the dirty work for you - online calculator gives you the friendly way of calculating your work or job experience.

  • Step 1. Include your previous employers: Always provide the full names of all the companies for which you previously worked. It is best to list your work history in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent job at the top, followed by the next most recent and so on.
  • Step 2. Mention your job location: You also should include the location of your previous company. You do not have to provide the full address. Just mentioning the city and the state is sufficient.
  • Step 3. Specify the dates of employment: Next, you should mention the start and end dates of each employment. The start date is when you started working, and the end date is your last date of employment with a company.
  • Step 4. Write your job title: Clearly mention your job titles in the previous companies. Be specific when specifying the job titles. Instead of mentioning that you were a “Developer”, mention that you worked as a “Java Developer.”
  • Step 5. List your responsibilities: In this part, you do not have to list down the job description of your previous employment. Try to concisely describe your significant responsibilities and skills, which helped you complete a task.

  • 1. Formal work experience placement: Often up to a week in a location arranged by your school or independently. Typically unpaid, this is an opportunity to learn about the world of work and see it in action.
  • 2. School leaver careers fairs and employer events: A chance to meet either lots of employers in one go or a single employer, for example via an open evening at its offices. Look out for virtual events during the Covid-19 pandemic.
  • 3. Employer’s insight day or week for school leavers: Some organisations that run apprenticeships also offer you the chance to spend a day or more seeing for yourself what working there would be like and meeting employees who have joined straight from school. Professional services firms and IT employers commonly run insight weeks or days.
  • 4. Extracurricular activities: Being part of a sports team or another club or group such as a theatre group or choir. Involvement in the Scouts or Guides, or Duke of Edinburgh award scheme.
  • 5. Entrepreneurship: Perhaps you aspire to run your own business one day, or maybe you’ve got a commercial idea that you’re keen to get off the ground. Employers are keen to take on candidates with entrepreneurial flair, so it’s well worth honing your skills whether or not you go on to set up your own venture.
  • 6. Competitions: Look out for competitions in areas that interest you, for example design, writing, maths or business.
  • 7. Part-time jobs: A part-time job such as working in a shop gives you customer service and time management skills and helps to develop your commercial awareness. Doing a paper round or babysitting calls for responsibility and resilience. Employers like evidence that you can be relied on to turn up when expected and stick at what you’re meant to be doing till you’ve seen it through.
  • 8. Personal projects: If you’ve designed and made something under your own steam, such as a DIY or craft project, a website or a blog, you may well have developed the problem-solving and creative skills that employers look for.
  • 9. Positions of responsibility: Are you head boy or head girl, a sports captain or house captain? Have you been a student representative, taking prospective pupils and parents on tours and speaking to them, or been involved in the school council? Have you have a leadership or committee role in a group or club? This kind of experience hones the communication and leadership skills employers want.

Experience is important because it allows you to grow and evolve. When you are presented with a new environment, you will learn how to adapt to the situation to succeed. You may also develop brand new ideas and strategies as a result of your experience with different things.