Basic Tools

Age Comparison Calculator

Compare the age of two individuals to see the difference in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds.

Using the Age Comparison Calculator

This online age comparison calculator is a free tool used to compare ages between two individuals. On the other side, you can also compare younger’s date of birth (YDOB) and elder’s date of birth (EDOB) easily. It is also known as a birthday comparison calculator. The tool is user-friendly and provides accurate results quickly, making it a reliable choice for determining age differences in various contexts such as personal, educational, or professional scenarios.

Step 01: Enter Dates

Enter the date of birth of the younger person and the elder person in the respective fields. Make sure the dates are entered in the correct format (MM/DD/YYYY or DD/MM/YYYY) to ensure accurate calculations.

Step 02: Calculate

Click on the calculate button to compare the age of the two individuals. The calculator will process the input dates and compute the precise age difference.

Step 03: Results

The age difference between the two individuals will be displayed in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, and seconds. This detailed breakdown allows you to understand the exact age gap in various time units. Additionally, the results page may offer options to share or print the comparison for your records.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Step 1: Enter the birth details of the two persons (i.e) Person A and Person B.
  • Step 2: DOB’s are formatted in DD-MM-YYYY.
  • Step 3: Subtract Younger’s DOB and Elder’s DOB, (i.e.) A-B = C
  • Step 4: Now you get C.
  • Step 5: Thus the age difference is found easily now.

Age Difference is the difference between two ages. The formula for age difference is

A - B = C

That means you minus the two ages or minus the two Date of Birth(DOB)’s.

If you want to compare age or to find an exact age difference between the younger and older age , use this age comparison calculator. This web tool has used effective steps to get you the precise answer in the next few seconds. Anybody can access this online birthday comparison calculator from anywhere.

Then you can simple subtract the number of years from the current year, number of days and you will have found out your date of birth. Example 1: A is 32 years and 12 days old on 12 January 2021. When would be his birthday? Example 2: B is 27 years and 2 months 1 day old on 8 January 2021.

To calculate the age difference in years, you need to subtract the birth year of the younger person from the birth year of the elder person. The result will be the age difference in years between the two individuals.